Friday 30 December 2011


With New Year's Eve drawing close everyone is starting to reflect on what changes they desire to see in 2012. It probably comes as no surprise that I would like to see quite a few. But I will not be listing all of these today. Instead I will share a few thoughts on how I personally intend to greet this new and blank page in the book of me.

Today I went for some grochery shopping, and I did this with the intention to try and see whether it was possible on my budget to purchase only organic. To my amazement I actually ended up with a shopping bag that costed me about one and a half as much as I normally spend on food for a couple of days, and this was even with a few extra items I would not normally need.

Now the prices where I live are normally a lot higher for organic products, but given that I have a physical condition that requires me to be more healthy in my diet, I did pick up an interest to learn about cooking and food in general. This was a while back, and it probably started before I was diagnosed, but it is quite evident now that I have changed my view on eating.

On my normal budget I never knew I could afford to buy organic and healthy food in the maner I exhibited today. I am not a vegan or vegetarian, but I do not eat a lot of meat and I should stay away from milk in any shape or form, and the meat certainly is the expensive part of any diet in the area where I live.

So this was more or less just a cheerful post about how I tried something different to see if I could make 2012 a year with an improving diet for myself, and the first step proved to be succesful. And now I will be off to the kitchen to make myself a wholesome meal.

I hope you have equally important prospects for this new year. The revolution in you is the most important one.

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